
Urban Chronicles 2


Urban Chronicle 2

Urban Chronicles 2, highlights parenthood of urban dwellers through three visceral short stories. Today’s ever busy, fast society, with much to do, far too many choices, and too little time results in both, anxious parents, and, silent, rebellious children. While a child is most precious to parents, the stories question the strategies that parents are adopting to bring up their

In Lost and Found, Adrit, prefers to stay with his kidnapper, while in All That Matters, Pankaj’s parents impose their unrealized dreams on their son without even attempting to understand what the boy wanted. The third story is an intriguing take on relationships when three generations embark on a cruise.

In an age where time is a luxury and the reading habit is receding, graphic stories make messages easier to communicate. Nita Bajoria keeps it simple, with her empathetic and perspicacious view of life – a humane approach, even in criminality, that can forge unexpected bonds; living your dream every moment, without being burdened by the expectation of others (especially relevant
in these times of loss due to Covid); finding yourself and others through rekindled relationships.

Author: Nita Bajoria

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