
Urban Chronicles 1

(5 customer reviews)


Urban Chronicle 1

Urban Chronicle series is a collection of graphic short stories by author Nita Bajoria. Unlike typical genres of a comic book, this series is one of its kind that explores life in a metro. The infrastructure of the built environment categorized by urban sociology has
always been a subject of an enigma. City dwellers are often accused of escaping from their agrarian life towards the comforts of a bourgeois metropolis. But is it true? Is a cosmopolitan devoid of struggles and hardships?

Her stories are humble attempts to explore the above questions through some light hearted tales that capture this alienated and fragmented reality through an imaginative weave of words and illustrations. Tinged with suspicion, the three stories in the first series of Urban Chronicles are grounded in the contemporary era. While in one a husband tries tackling his suspecting wife, in another, a neighbour’s curiosity, brings forth an unexpected truth. And then there is our GBG, aka Gossip Brewers Group who will go to any extent to find out the spicy secrets of their society.

Author: Nita Bajoria

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5 reviews for Urban Chronicles 1

  1. Devanshi

    Urban Chronicles is a comic book, and I thought it would be something funny, but it highlights various significant issues.

    The story revolves around 3 women, describing their daily life routine. The way everything is narrated is very unique. I was surprised how a book of 50 pages could provide important messages and that too a comic book.

    Now you all might be thinking, what messages I am talking about. For that, you need to grab this book and find out yourself.

    The story felt a bit relatable as well. The character development is amazing and the illustrations are to the point. This book is recommended to all. I simply enjoyed it.

  2. Madhulika

    City life is often touted to be an opportunity that is filled with exciting personal, professional and economic growth as well as freedom to do whatever our heart desires, alongwith the fast and high tempo that comes with it.

    But at the same time, there is also a downfall to this lifestyle as it is seen to take away the comfort and relaxation of form life, most of the times being demanding and taking a toll on the life of the individuals.

    ‘Urban Chronicles’ by Nita Bajoria is a great attempt by the author to bring forth such fascinating stories from the urban life.

    While these stories are fictional, the situations mentioned erstwhile are so relatable that they may feel like something the readers might have had already experienced in their life.

    Human beings are social animals and therefore we often find ourselves drawn to live in communities. No matter where we go or what part we are from, there is always that Nosey Neighbor in our neighborhood that we all may be acquainted with.

    The first story, Balcony from the book is based on one such individual and how their snooping leads to an ending we would not have anticipated.

    The next story is about a husband who thinks that his wife is cheating on him and therefore wishes to catch her red handed in the act.

    Despite the age old adage, ‘‘If you have nothing nice to say, dont say anything at all,’’ we all partake in gossip in some form or other. The third story is about one such Gossip Group who would go to any lengths to spruce things up.

    This was such an entertaining novel and I loved reading every single minute of it, hence I am going to give this book FIVE CHRONICLES STARS ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  3. Mili Das

    What if short stories would be presented to you as a graphic book? All the sensible thoughts are conveyed here through wonderfully drawn illustrations which I find a refresher for readers. Do you read graphic novels? After reading a lot of heavyweight novels this change was very refreshing for me, all the stories here swiping like a cool breeze.

    Nita Bajoria in her graphic book sheds her stories of urban life. She delves into today’s urban people and their busy life. The author shows her immaculate observation in these short stories here. Every story here stirs some message to our hearts. The first stories of these two books have a melancholic ambiance and author very efficiently handled the issues.
    Some stories create sensitive questions about parenthood. Very Sensibly she narrates the sensitive matters.

    All the stories are based on societal life. In her distinguished style, some stories author presented in a funny manner to create lighter effects on readers. The presented vivacity of these stories is awesome. The way author illuminated relationships, I almost became a fan of her writing.

    In the face of an increasingly materialistic life and mechanism orientation, Nita Bajoria attempts to locate the place of hidden emotions in decaying humanism.

    There is some sadness in the stories but it opens to a new beginning which is making the hope of profundity. In the backdrop of city life, all stories started to hook you.

    I was very much a fan of comics books in my teens because they use sequential art to tell a story, this sequential art of this book makes all these stories more interesting and impactful yet it’s delivered freshness to the reader’s mind. Author did an admirable job of choosing this style.

    Graphic novels are generally stand-alone stories with more complex plots but the amalgamation of emotions served with vivacious pictures makes me want to read more. These books took you on a rollercoaster journey and at the end, they left you with a soft sorrow ness yet blend in a tinge of happiness

    Those who don’t want to read heavy novels with complexity can try this it’s lighter.

    Those who are suffering reading slumps can read this to become refreshingly spirited readers again.

  4. Nupur

    A young book for readers across ages discussing about parenting and how it affects the mind of the children.

    🤍 A graphic novel that shall keep you intrigued with its illustrations and the psychological plot with 3 interesting stories are everything to set your evening up!

    🤍 Simple language and easy comprehension of ideas ,themes and issues raised by the book !

    A book that you shall definable relate with so grab your hands soon :))

    Recommended to everyone out there!

  5. zvmgyniisi

    Urban Chronicles 1 | My City My Voice
    zvmgyniisi http://www.g0s8d99km91we4347g2b8jhrgr816wp7s.org/

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