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The Full Circle.. Stumbling Upon A Sinful Mystery



The Full Circle.. Stumbling Upon A Sinful Mystery


The Full Circle.. Stumbling Upon A Sinful Mystery is a Romance Thriller. The book captures the story of a traveller, named Aditya, who on his journey to finding a ‘home’, ‘home’ in the spiritual sense of the word, becomes a part of various stories and helps people in his own way. Aditya meets his contrast in Zinnia, who prefers stability in life, His adventurous way of living life is challenged when he develops strong feelings for Zinnia, who considers his way of life as a prolonged hobby. While helping Jacqueline, an emotionally distraught girl, into shaping her life in a new way, he realizes he feels lost, for the first time in his life, without Zinnia. Amidst all the happenings, he stumbles upon a devastating secret about Zinnia’s past that will turn her life upside down.

Author: Namrata Gupta

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