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Tick Tock

(10 customer reviews)



Tick Tock

Tick Tock follows the journey of a wrist watch. From the time it was made, to the different people it comes across, to its final fate and new journey. Through the experiences of this wrist watch, we understand how life holds so many twists and turns for all of us. And how there is always hope. The book has simple black and white illustrations with a range of interesting characters making an appearance. With very little text, the illustrations keep the readers engaged, from panel to panel, making Tick Tock a quick read (and hopefully a very enjoyable one too!).

Author: Rahul P. Bhandare

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10 reviews for Tick Tock

  1. Swati Poptani

    “๐๐ฎ๐ญ ๐›๐ž๐ฅ๐ข๐ž๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฆ๐ž, ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐๐ž๐š๐ซ ๐›๐จ๐ฒ, ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ง๐จ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ซ๐จ๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐จ๐ฌ๐ž ๐ญ๐ฐ๐จ: ๐ฉ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐ž๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ญ๐ข๐ฆ๐ž, ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐๐จ ๐ข๐ญ ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ.” ~ ๐‹๐ž๐จ ๐“๐จ๐ฅ๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ฒโ €
    โ €
    Life is uncertain but what makes it worthwhile is always having a ray of hope.โ €
    No matter how life may take you, there will be twists and turns, bad days and even worst nights, but there will be a fair share of good ones too & in the end, time will take you where you’re supposed to be.โ €
    โ €
    Tick Tock is a story about a wrist watch right from the time it was made to its final destination.โ €
    During that journey it undergoes various situations, across different people & places.โ €
    โ €
    The book has simple black and white illustrations with a range of interesting characters making an appearance. With every page, every journey that unfolds, the wrist watch experiences that life is unpredictable & sometimes harsh too, and you never know what fate beholds but there is always hope to be something big, something better.โ €
    โ €
    What happens to the wrist watch?โ €
    Does it reaches its fateful end?โ €
    Or is there a new journey ahead of it?โ €
    โ €
    Pick this book up for a quick read. Every illustration is neatly drawn and easy to comprehend making it more creative,interesting and enjoyable too (trust me).

  2. Shreyash Kumar Rout

    This book by Rahul P Bhandare captures something very timeless. Its a book that tells us a simple story about quintessential emotions and pristine instincts. From the outside, it might just seem as an ordinary picture book which tells a story but in reality, it “conveys” several. Featuring a wristwatch as its main protagonist, the book conveys us the story of the wristwatch as the main plot and the story of every single individual as the side plot, eventually, converging into the main plot of the story.
    The moral of the story is simple, with “time” everything will be alright, but the way the stories have been conveyed in this book with just a set of drawings, is amusing. If you look deeply, every single detail will tell you a story and that’s the beauty of it.

  3. Priya Bansal

    Tick Tock is a beautiful little story, starring a wristwatch, conveyed almost entirely in pictures. This wristwatch, takes us on a journey through time, following the course of life, meeting new people who change us and ultimately we arrive at a destination, which is something unexpected and something we knew in our hearts all the while!

    Author has conveyed a story about human hope and our journey through different stages of life via the medium of a simple wristwatch. Against all odds, braving the harsh obstacles that life throws, we arrive at the place we’re meant to be at. For anyone feeling low or swimming in despair, this little book is for you!

    There is very little text and the graphics are absolutely adorable! Tick Tock is an incredibly fast read and the sheer simplicity will make you revisit it again and again!

  4. Sharanya

    The story is all about time which is depicted by the story of a wrist watch itself. This book will give you a different interpretation each time you read it. I’ve read it many times and everytime, it have different message to tell .

    Mainly, It tells that time waits for none and you have to keep going no matter what. It reminds us change is constant. And also, when something bad happens, You just have to let things be and not sulk, and with constant hope and endurance may be some day you might become something more, something great.

    This short comic gives you a positive vibe . I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. It’s really incredible how author had conveyed such profound message in very simple illustrations. It is a hopeful and a motivational story.

  5. A. Florence Lekhana

    “We are all migrants through time.” – Mohsin Hamid

    I picked up Tick Tock by Rahul Bhandare yesterday and consumed it in a single sitting. I was lucky enough to be able to interview the author a couple of months ago, and his take on creating stories and comics got me excited to pick this one up!

    Tick Tock is a short and sweet graphic book that tells the story of a wrist watch as it journeys through various stages of life before finally reaching its destination. The author was able to convey this beautiful story almost entirely through illustrations and very limited words.

    The illustrations are detailed yet simple to understand, and don’t need very many words to carry you through the story. I really admired the way the author was able to take a humble wrist watch and convey a meaningful message of how everything that happens in life plays a part in taking us closer to the purpose that we were meant to fulfill. Time will take us on an adventure and a half before leaving us at our destinations!

    All in all, Tick Tock was an interesting, unique and a quick read for me and one that I’d totally recommend checking out!

  6. Sanjana Das

    Tick tock is a very short comic book. It consists of only 27 pages. The story is about a clock, whose journey begins from the manufacturing company. The story ends in a very hopeful note and a positive message in the end.

    ๐Ÿ•ฐThere are no dialogues in this book, but the cartoons express it very well. Only thing is that, I wanted some more stories in the book. Recommended to comic lovers.

  7. Sanjana Das

    Tick tock is a very short comic book. It consists of only 27 pages. The story is about a clock, whose journey begins from the manufacturing company. The story ends in a very hopeful note and a positive message in the end.

    The watch meets a lot of people, and goes through a lot of suffering. It gets transferred from one hand to another, from gift shop to pawn shop. It gets dirty and wet. It is broken into pieces and transferred to the dustbin. But in the end, it becomes a part of something bigger and better.

    There are no dialogues in this book, but the cartoons express it very well. Only thing is that, I wanted some more stories in the book. Recommended to comic lovers.

  8. Rivannah

    Tick Tock by Rahul P BHANDARE

  9. Rivannah

    ๐ŸƒJust like the cloudy sky before the rain is needed so that we can admire the beautiful rainbow after rain Uncertainties of life with its Up and downs , good and bad, complicated and simple, highs and lows and all these happy and gloomy moments is need for us to comprehend the real meaning of happiness and makes our journey more meaningful
    โฑ๏ธ’TICK TOCK’ BY ‘RAHUL P BHANDARE’ , is an illustrative autobiography of a watch from the time it was made to its journey with different owners and to its ultimate destiny where time takes it last. All captured within just 27 pages. Will it’s destiny be a happy and worthwhile?Will it make it out big in its life? What his destiny has in store for it?
    ๐ŸŒป”Be So Full
    That Even Of They
    Take And Take And Take
    You Can Still Be Overflowing”
    ๐ŸƒThe simply black and white illustration gives us a postive outlook on life and teaches us what life actually is. It depicts that after every dark days , stromy nights there will come a bright, sunny day which will be better than we have expected. The journey made be hard but the destination will always be peaceful and beautiful
    ๐ŸŒฟAt The End Sun Will Rise And We Will Shine Again In It’s Light.

  10. Archita Sahu

    “Life is full of ups and downs, the only way to make the journey worthwhile is if you enjoy the good and learn from the bad.”

    ‘Tick Tock’ is an illustrative book,which outlines the journey of a watch in just 27 pages. The story begins with the manufacturing company, goes through many ups and downs and finally ends ends with a positive note.

    The book has no dialogues,it only contains black and white illustration, but still Rahul Bhandare had portrayed an important lesson of life without words. Basically,it talks about how life takes twists and turns but we shouldn’t lose hope. It’s simple,understandable and a very short read which you can complete in just 4-5 minutes. Overall I loved the book.
    I recommend it to everyone out there!

  11. Nayana Mary Manoj

    This was a very thought-provoking and inspiring read. It was only 29 pages long so it was a quick read. Also what makes it even more fun and interesting is that it’s fully illustrated!How cool is that? Though the concept is quit simple the author has potrayed it in such a brilliant way!

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